Your Ex’s Change in Plans
When you finalized your divorce three years ago, your world was shattered. Bit by bit, you’ve put the pieces together again, for yourself and your children.
Overall, you’ve come to a mutual, though unspoken, agreement with your ex to keep the children’s schedule static as a help for them as well as both of you. So, his announcement that he’s taken a job 300 (or 3000) miles away and is planning to move in two weeks takes you completely by surprise.
What are your kids going to do? For that matter what are you going to do? A 9 hour round trip drive is nothing to scoff at, and you’re pretty sure you’re not up to doing it alone. What’s your next step?
Get Help from a Child Custody Lawyer and Divorce Team
Regardless of whether we handled your divorce or not, Boudreaux Law Firm can help you handle the next part of changing your child custody arrangement. You want the best things for your child: safety, stability, routine, and a loving home. We want those things for them too.
At our offices in Atlanta, you’ll find an experienced legal team that will fight for your custodial rights and the happiness of your children’s future.
Don’t let your ex “lawyer-up” and strong arm you into giving him everything he wants. Your own legal advisors can give you the courage to stand up and fight back. We’ll make a plan to help you get the best possible custody agreement for your kids and for your family. Contact the Boudreaux Law Firm today for a consultation on what best steps to take next.
Posted on behalf of Boudreaux Law Firm
Posted on behalf of Boudreaux Law Firm