This Is Us, an Adoption Tale
“This Is Us” is one of the most popular shows on television right now. America is captivated by the family’s dynamic: how Jack and Rebecca parent their kids and love each other, how the Big Three grow up together, almost, but not quite, triplets. The writers have left us guessing and grieving at every turn. Life is like that, too, especially when you’re working through an adoption.
Real Life Adoption Struggles
During an argument with Jack concerning Randall’s birth family, Rebecca says, “No one legally gave him up. There’s not some fire station paper trail out there… I cannot lose my son.”
This is an adoptive parent’s nightmare, that somewhere out there, someone could change their mind and come take the child away. In fact, there are real cases with lots of publicity where this has happened.
What you didn’t hear is that the attorneys representing the adoptive parents neglected to take the appropriate steps to make the adoption complete and that those parents had no idea. And you didn’t hear that 99% of domestic adoptions don’t have those problems.
If you are adopting privately or through an agency, you will need legal representation Your attorneys need to be intimately familiar with all the laws surrounding adoption. At Boudreaux Law Firm, Adoption Law is the best kind of law we practice. For you and your child, we make sure there is a paper trail of legal relinquishments, custodial documents and final decrees. You can trust us to close every possible loophole and bind your child to you legally so that you can be a forever family.
Posted on behalf of Boudreaux Law Firm
Posted on behalf of Boudreaux Law Firm